ROMs » Gameboy Advance » View List

Featured Games:

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Duel Academy

Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku 2

Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors

Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town

Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories


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007 - Everything or Nothing (Japan)
2 in 1 - Baerenbrueder + Disneys Prinzessinnen (Germany)
2 in 1 - Buscando a Nemo + Los Increibles (Spain)
2 in 1 - Der Koenig Der Loewen + Disneys Prinzessinnen (Germany)
2 in 1 - Disney Princesas + El Rey Leon (Spain)
2 in 1 - Disney Princesas + Hermano Oso (Spain)
2 in 1 - Disney Princesas + Lizzie Mcguire (Spain)
2 in 1 - Disney Princesse + Frere Des Ours (France)
2 in 1 - Disney Principesse + Re Leone, Il (Italy)
2 in 1 - Findet Nemo + Findet Nemo - Das Abenteuer Geht Weiter (Germany)
2 in 1 - Findet Nemo + Unglaublichen, Die (Germany)
2 in 1 - Koda Fratello Orso & Disney Principesse (Italy)
2 in 1 - Le Roi Lion + Disney Princesse (France)
2 in 1 - Les Razmoket Rencontrent les Delajungle + SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge (France)
2 in 1 - Looney Tunes - Dizzy Driving + Looney Tunes - Acme Antics
2 in 1 - Matchbox Missions - Emergency Response + Air, Land & Sea Rescue
2 in 1 - Monsters & Co. + Alla ricerca di Nemo (Italy)
2 in 1 - Monstres & Cie + Monde de Nemo, Le (France)
2 in 1 - Monstruos, S.A. + Buscando a Nemo (Spain)
2 in 1 - Paperboy + Rampage
2 in 1 - Pferd & Pony - Mein Pferdehof + Lass Uns Reiten 2 (Germany)
2 in 1 - Power Rangers - Ninja Storm + Power Rangers - La Force du Temps (France)
2 in 1 - Power Rangers - Ninja Storm + Power Rangers - Time Force (Germany)
2 in 1 - Scooby-Doo + Scooby-Doo 2 - Desatado (Spain)
2 in 1 - Scooby-Doo - Le Film + Scooby-Doo - Les Monstres Se Dechainent (France)
2 in 1 - Sonic Advance + ChuChu Rocket! (Japan)
2 in 1 - Sonic Advance + Sonic Battle (Japan)
2 in 1 - Sonic Pinball Party + Sonic Battle (Japan)
2 in 1 - Titeuf - Ze Gagmachine + Titeuf Mega Compet (France)
2 in 1 - Uno + Skip-Bo
3 in 1 - Break Out + Centipede + Warlords
3 in 1 - Connect Four + Perfection + Trouble
3 in 1 - Darts + Roll a Ball + Shuffle Bowl
3 in 1 - Ker Plunk + Toss Across + Tip It
3 in 1 - Life + Yahtzee + Payday
3 in 1 - Millipede + Super Breakout + Lunar Lander
3 in 1 - Mousetrap + Simon + Operation
3 in 1 - Paintball Splat + Dodgeball - Dodge This + Big Alley Bowling
3 in 1 - Risk + BattleShip + Clue
3 in 1 - Sorry + Aggravation + Scrabble Junior
3 in 1 - Yar's Revenge + Pong + Asteroids
Ab Durch die Hecke (Germany)
Ace Combat Advance
Ace Lightning
Acrobat Kid (Japan)
Action Man - Robot Atak
Activision Anthology
Advance GT2 (Japan)
Advance GTA (Japan)
Advance Guardian Heroes
Advance Guardian Heroes (Japan)
Advance Rally (Japan)
Advance Wars
Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising
Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea (Japan)
Aero the Acrobat - Rascal Rival Revenge
Agassi Tennis Generation
Agressive Inline
Aigle de Guerre, L' (France)
AirForce Delta II (Japan)
AirForce Delta Storm
Aka-chan Doubutsuen (Japan)
Akagi (Japan)
Akumajou Dracula - Circle of the Moon (China)
Akumajou Dracula - Circle of the Moon (Japan)
Aladdin (Japan)
Aleck Bordon Adventure - Tower & Shaft Advance (Japan)
Alex Rider - Stormbreaker
Alien Hominid
Alienators - Evolution Continues
All-Star Baseball 2003 feat. Derek Jeter
All-Star Baseball 2004 feat. Derek Jeter
Altered Beast - Guardian of the Realms
Amazing Virtual Sea Monkeys
American Bass Challenge
American Dragon Jake Long - Rise of the Huntsclan
American Idol
An American Tail - Fievel's Gold Rush
Angel Collection - Mezase! Gakuen no Fashion Leader (Japan)
Angel Collection 2 - Pichimo ni Narou (Japan)
Angelique (Japan)
Animal Mania - Dokidoki Aishou Check (Japan)
Animal Snap - Rescue Them 2 by 2
Animal Yokochou - Doki Doki Kyushutsu Daisakusen ! no Maki (Japan)
Animal Yokochou - Doki Doki Shinkyuu Shiken! no Kan (Japan)
Animaniacs - Lights, Camera, Action!
Another World (Prototype)
Ant Bully
Antz - Extreme Racing
Ao-Zoura to Nakamatachi - Yume no Bouken (Japan)
Arctic Tale
Army Men - Operation Green
Army Men - Turf Wars
Army Men Advance
Around the World in 80 Days
Arthur and the Invisibles
Arthur and the Minimoys
Ashita no Joe - Makka ni Moeagare! (Japan)
Asterix & Obelix - PAF! Them All!
Asterix and Obelix XXL
Astro Boy - Omega Factor
Astro Boy - Tetsuwan Atom - Atom Heart no Himitsu (Japan)
Atari Anniversary Advance
Atlantis - The Lost Empire
Atomic Betty
ATV - Quad Power Racing
ATV - Thunder Ridge Riders
Avatar - The Last Airbender
Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth
Avatar - The Legend of Aang
Aventures de Jackie Chan, Les - La Legende de la Main Noire (France)
Azumanga Daiou Advance (Japan)
B-Densetsu! Battle B-Daman - Fire Spirit! Honootamashii! (Japan)
B-Densetsu! Battle B-Daman - Moero! B-Tamashii! (Japan)
Babar to the Rescue
Back to Stone
Backyard Baseball
Backyard Baseball 2006
Backyard Baseball 2007
Backyard Basketball
Backyard Basketball 2007
Backyard Football
Backyard Football 2006
Backyard Football 2007
Backyard Hockey
Backyard Skateboarding
Bakunetsu Dodge Ball Fighters (Japan)
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade - Gekitou! Saikyou Blader (Japan)
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002 - Gekisen! Team Battle!! Kouryuu no Shou - Daichi Hen (Japan)
Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance
Banjo Kazooie - Grunty's Revenge
Banjo Pilot
Banjo-Kazooie - La Vendetta di Grunty (Italy)
Banjo-Kazooie - La Venganza de Grunty (Spain)
Barbie - Groovy Games
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus
Barbie as the Island Princess
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Barbie Diaries - High School Mystery
Barbie Horse Adventures - Blue Ribbon Race
Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses
Baseball Advance
Bass Tsuri Shiyouze! - Tournament ha Senryaku da! (Japan)
Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu
Batman - Vengeance
Batman Begins
Battle B-Daman
Battle B-Daman - Fire Spirits
Battle Network Rockman EXE (Japan)
Battle Network Rockman EXE 2 (Japan)
Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 Black (Japan)
Battle X Battle - Kyodai Gyo Densetsu (Japan)
BB Ball (Japan)
Beast Shooter - Mezase Beast King! (Japan)
Berenstain Bears - Spooky Old Tree
Best Friends - Dogs & Cats
Best Friends - Dogs and Cats
Best Friends - My Horse
Best Play Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
Beyblade G-Revolution
Beyblade V-Force - Ultimate Blader
Beyblade V-Force 2
Bibi Blocksberg - Der magische Hexenkreis (Germany)
Bibi Und Tina Ferien Auf Dem Marti (Germany)
Bible Game
Big Mutha Truckers
Bionicle - Matoran Adventures
Bionicle - Maze of Shadows
Bionicle - The Game
Bionicle Heroes
bit Generations - Boundish
bit Generations - Boundish (Japan)
bit Generations - Coloris (Japan)
bit Generations - Dial Hex
bit Generations - Dial Hex (Japan)
bit Generations - Digidrive (Japan)
bit Generations - Dotstream
bit Generations - Dotstream (Japan)
bit Generations - Orbital (Japan)
bit Generations - Soundvoyager (Japan)
Black Bass Advance
Black Belt Challenge
Black Black - Bura Bura (Japan)
Black Matrix Zero (Japan)
Blades of Thunder
Bleach Advance - Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society (Japan)
Blender Bros
BMX Trick Racer
Board Game Classics
Boboboubo Boubobo - 9 Kyoku Senshi Gag Yuugou (Japan)
Boboboubo Boubobo - Bakutou Hajike Taisen (Japan)
Boboboubo Boubobo - Maji de!! Shinken Battle (Japan)
Boboboubo Boubobo - Ougi 87.5 Bakuretsu Hanage Shinken (Japan)
Boktai - The Sun Is in Your Hand
Boktai 2 - Solar Boy Django
Boku ha Koukuu Kanseikan (Japan)
Bokujou Monogatari - Mineral Town no Nakamatachi (Japan)
Bokujou Monogatari - Mineral Town no Nakamatachi for Girl (Japan)
Bokura no Taiyou - Taiyou Action RPG (Japan)
Bomberman Jetters - Densetsu no Bomberman (Japan)
Bomberman Jetters - Game Collection (Japan)
Bomberman Max 2 - Blue Advance
Bomberman Max 2 - Bomberman Version (Japan)
Bomberman Max 2 - Max Version (Japan)
Bomberman Max 2 - Red Advance
Bomberman Story (Japan)
Bomberman Tournament
Bouken Ou Beet - Busters Road (Japan)
Bouken Yuuki Pluster World - Densetsu no Plust Gate (Japan)
Bouken Yuuki Pluster World - Densetsu no Plust Gate EX (Japan)
Bouken Yuuki Pluster World - Pluston GP (Japan)
Boukyaku no Senritsu (Japan)
Boulder Dash EX (Japan)
Boulder-Dash EX
Boxing Fever
Bratz - Babyz
Bratz - Forever Diamondz
Bratz - Forever Diamondz (Germany)
Bratz - Rock Angels
Bratz - Rock Angelz (France)
Bratz - Rock Angelz (Germany)
Bratz - Rock Angelz (Spain)
Bratz - The Movie
Bratz - The Movie (Germany)
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire - Ryuu no Senshi (Japan)
Breath of Fire 2
Breath of Fire II - Shimei no Ko (Japan)
Britney's Dance Beat
Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars
Brother Bear
Bruce Lee - Return of the Legend
Bubble Bobble - Old & New (Japan)
Bubble Bobble - Old and New
Bubble Pop
Buffy - Im Bann der Daemonen - Koenig Darkhuls Zorn (Germany)
Buffy Contre les Vampires - La Colere de Darkhul (France)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Wrath of the Darkhul King
Bura Bura Donkey (Japan)
Bust a Move
Butt-Ugly Martians - B.K.M. Battles
Cabbage Patch Kids - The Patch Puppy Rescue
Cabela's Big Game Hunter
Cabela's Big Game Hunter - 2005 Adventures
Caesar's Palace Advance - Millennium Gold Edition
Calciobit (Japan)
Camp Lazlo - Leaky Lake Games
Candy Land & Chutes and Ladders & Memory
Capcom Classics - Mini Mix
Captain Tsubasa - Eikou no Kiseki (Japan)
Car Battler Joe
Card e-Reader+ (Japan)
Card Party (Japan)
Cardcaptor Sakura - Sakura Card de Mini Game (Japan)
Cardcaptor Sakura - Sakura Card Hen - Sakura to Card to Otomodachi (Japan)
Care Bears - Care Quest
Carrera Power Slide
Cars (Germany)
Cars (Italy)
Cars Mater-National Championship
Cars Mater-National Championship (Spain)
Cartoon Network - Block Party
Cartoon Network - Speedway
Cartoon Network Collection Edition Platinum - Gameboy Advance Video (France)
Castlevania - Akatsuki no Minuet (Japan)
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania - Byakuya no Concerto (Japan)
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance
Chaoji Maliou 2 (China)
Chaoji Maliou Shijie (China)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlotte's Web
Cheetah Girls
Chessmaster (France)
Chessmaster (Germany)
Chi Vuol Essere Milionario (Italy)
Chicken Little (Japan)
Chicken Shoot
Chicken Shoot 2
Chinmoku no Iseki - Estpolis Gaiden (Japan)
Chobits for Game Boy Advance - Atashi Dake no Hito (Japan)
Chocobo Land - A Game of Dice (Japan)
Choro Q Advance (Japan)
Choro Q Advance 2 (Japan)
Chou Makaimura R (Japan)
Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Chu Chu Rocket!
Chu Chu Rocket! (Japan)
CIMA - The Enemy
Cinderella - Magical Dreams
Cinnamon Game Series 2 - Yume no Daibouken (Japan)
Cinnamon Game Series 3 - Fuwafuwa Daibouken (Japan)
Cinnamoroll - Koko ni Iru yo (Japan)
Classic NES - Bomberman
Classic NES - Castlevania
Classic NES - Donkey Kong
Classic NES - Dr. Mario
Classic NES - Excite Bike
Classic NES - Ice Climber
Classic NES - Legend of Zelda
Classic NES - Metroid
Classic NES - Pac-Man
Classic NES - Super Mario Bros.
Classic NES - Xevious
Classic NES - Zelda II - The Adventure of Link
Cocoto Kart Racer
Cocoto Platform Jumper
Codename - Kids Next Door - Operation S.O.D.A.
Colin McRae Rally 2
Collapse 2
Columns Crown
Columns Crown (Japan)
Combat Choro Q - Advance Daisakusen (Japan)
Comix Zone
Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX
Contra Hard Spirits (Japan)
Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen helfen! - Das Schattenduell (Germany)
Crash & Spyro Super Pack
Crash Bandicoot - Fusion
Crash Bandicoot - The Huge Adventure
Crash Bandicoot - The Wrath of Cortex
Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced
Crash Bandicoot Advance (Japan)
Crash Bandicoot Advance - Wakuwaku Tomodachi Daisakusen! (Japan)
Crash Bandicoot Advance 2 - Gurugurusaimin Dai-Panic! (Japan)
Crash Bandicoot Bakusou Nitro Cart (Japan)
Crash Bandicoot Purple - Ripto's Rampage
Crash Bandicoot XS
Crash Nitro Kart
Crash of the Titans
Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi wo Yobu Cinema Land no Daibouken! (Japan)
Crayon Shin-chan - Densetsu wo Yobu Omake no Miyako Shockgaan! (Japan)
Crazy Chase
Crazy Frog Racer
Crazy Taxi - Catch a Ride
Creatures (England - France -Germany)
Creatures (England - Italy -Spain)
Croket! - Yume no Banker Survival! (Japan)
Croket! 2 - Yami no Bank to Banqueen (Japan)
Croket! 3 - Granu Oukoku no Nazo (Japan)
Croket! 4 - Bank no Mori no Mamorigami (Japan)
Croket! Great - Toki no Boukensha (Japan)
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Crushed Baseball
Crusin' Velocity
CT Special Forces
CT Special Forces 2 - Back to Hell
CT Special Forces 3 - Bio-Terror
Cubix - Robots for Everyone - Clash 'n Bash
Curious George
Custom Robo GX (Japan)
Dai-Mahjong (Japan)
Daisenryaku for Game Boy Advance (Japan)
Daisuki Teddy (Japan)
Dan Doh!! Tobase Shouri no Smile Shot (Japan)
Dan Doh!! Xi (Japan)
Dancing Sword - Senkou (Japan)
Danny Phantom - Dschungelstadt (Germany)
Danny Phantom - The Ultimate Enemy
Danny Phantom - Urban Jungle
Daredevil (Germany)
Darius R
Darius R (Japan)
Dark Arena
Darts - Shuffle - Skiball
Dave Mirra - Freestyle BMX 2
Dave Mirra - Freestyle BMX 3
David Beckham Soccer
Davis Cup
Dead to Rights
Deadly Skies
Deal or No Deal
Defender of the Crown
DemiKids - Dark Version
DemiKids - Light Version
Demon Driver - Time to Burn Rubber
Denki Blocks
Denki Blocks! (Japan)
Densetsu no Stafy (Japan)
Densetsu no Stafy 2 (Japan)
Densetsu no Stafy 3 (Japan)
Derby Stallion Advance (Japan)
Desert Strike Advance
Deutschland sucht den Superstar (Germany)
Dexter's Laboratory - Chess Challenge
Dexter's Laboratory - Deesaster Strikes
Di Gi Charat - DigiCommunication (Japan)
Diadroids World - Evil Teikoku no Yabou (Japan)
Die Wilden Fussball Kerle (Germany)
Die Wilden Fussball Kerle - Gefahr im Wilde Kerle Land (Germany)
Digi Communication 2 - Datou! Black Gemagema Dan (Japan)
Digimon Battle Spirit
Digimon Battle Spirit 2 - Rising Sun
Digimon Racing
Digimon Racing (Japan)
Dinotopia - The Timestone Pirates
Disney High School Musical - Livin' the Dream
Disney Princesas (Spain)
Disney Princess
Disney Princess - Royal Adventure
Disney Princesse (France)
Disney Principesse (Italy)
Disney Sports - American Football (Japan)
Disney Sports - Basketball
Disney Sports - Basketball (Japan)
Disney Sports - Football
Disney Sports - Motocross
Disney Sports - Motocross (Japan)
Disney Sports - Skateboarding
Disney Sports - Skateboarding (Japan)
Disney Sports - Snowboarding
Disney Sports - Snowboarding (Japan)
Disney Sports - Soccer
Disney Sports - Soccer (Japan)
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
Disney's Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey and Minnie
Disney's Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey and Donald
Disney's Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
Disney's Party
Disney's Tarzan - Return to the Jungle
Disney's The Little Mermaid - Magic in Two Kingdoms
Disneys Prinzessinnen (Germany)
DK - King of Swing
Dodgeball Advance
Dog Trainer
Dogz - Fashion
Dogz 2
Dogz Fashion
Dokapon - Monster Hunter
Dokapon Q - Monster Hunter! (Japan)
Dokidoki Cooking Series 1 - Komugi-chan no Happy Cake (Japan)
Dokidoki Cooking Series 2 - Gourmet Kitchen - Suteki na Obentou (Japan)
Dokodemo Taikyoku - Yakuman Advance (Japan)
Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi (Japan)
Donald Duck Advance
Donald Duck Advance (Japan)
Donchan Puzzle Hanabi de Dohn Advance (Japan)
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Doom 2
Dora the Explorer - Dora's World Adventure
Dora the Explorer - Super Spies
Dora the Explorer - Super Star Adventures
Dora the Explorer - The Search for Pirate Pig's Treasure
Doraemon - Dokodemo Walker (Japan)
Doraemon - Midori no Wakusei Dokidoki Daikyuushutsu! (Japan)
Double Dragon Advance
Double Dragon Advance (Japan)
Doubutsu Shima no Chobi Gurumi (Japan)
Doubutsu Shima no Chobi Gurumi 2 - Tama-chan Monogatari (Japan)
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX (Japan)
Dr. Mario & Panel de Pon (Japan)
Dr. Mario & Puzzle League
Dr. Muto
Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat
Dr. Sudoku
Dragon Ball - Advance Adventure (Japan)
Dragon Ball - Advance Adventure (Korea)
Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure
Dragon Ball GT - Transformation
Dragon Ball Z - Bukuu Tougeki (Japan)
Dragon Ball Z - Buu's Fury
Dragon Ball Z - Collectible Card Game
Dragon Ball Z - Moogongtoogeuk (Korea)
Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors
Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu
Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku
Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku 2
Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II International (Japan)
Dragon Drive - World D Break (Japan)
Dragon Quest Characters - Torneco no Daibouken 2 Advance - Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan)
Dragon Quest Characters - Torneco no Daibouken 3 Advance - Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Caravan Heart (Japan)
Dragon Tales - Dragon Adventures
Dragon's Rock
Drake & Josh
Drill Dozer
Driver 2 Advance
Droopy's Tennis Open
Dual Blades
Dual Blades (Japan)
Duel Masters (Japan)
Duel Masters - Kaijudo Showdown
Duel Masters - Sempai Legends
Duel Masters - Shadow of the Code
Duel Masters 2 - Invincible Advance (Japan)
Duel Masters 2 - Kirifuda Shoubu Ver. (Japan)
Duel Masters 3 (Japan)
Duke Nukem Advance
Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder
Dynasty Warriors Advance
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Ecks vs. Sever
Ecks vs. Sever 2
Ed, Edd 'n Eddy - Jawbreakers!
Ed, Edd 'n Eddy - The Mis-Edventures
Egg Mania (Japan)
Elemix! (Japan)
Elevator Action - Old & New (Japan)
Elf - The Movie
Elf Bowling 1 & 2
Enchanted - Once Upon Andalasia
Erementar Gerad (Japan)
ESPN - Final Round Golf
ESPN - Great Outdoor Games - Bass Tournament
ESPN - X-Games - Skateboarding
ESPN - X-Winter Games - Snowboarding
ESPN International Winter Sports
ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002 (Japan)
ESPN X-Games Skateboarding (Japan)
European Super League
Ever Girl
EX Monopoly (Japan)
Exciting Bass (Japan)
Expedition der Stachelbeeren - Zoff im Zoo (Germany)
Extreme Ghostbusters - Code Ecto-1
Eyeshield 21 Devilbats Devildays (Japan)
EZ-Talk - Shokyuu Hen 1 (Japan)
EZ-Talk - Shokyuu Hen 2 (Japan)
EZ-Talk - Shokyuu Hen 3 (Japan)
EZ-Talk - Shokyuu Hen 4 (Japan)
EZ-Talk - Shokyuu Hen 5 (Japan)
EZ-Talk - Shokyuu Hen 6 (Japan)
F-14 Tomcat
F-Zero - Climax (Japan)
F-Zero - Falcon Densetsu (Japan)
F-Zero - Maximum Velocity
F-Zero 2 - GP Legend
F-Zero for Game Boy Advance (Japan)
F1 2002
F24 Stealth Fighter
FA 18F Super Hornet
Fairly OddParents - Breakin' Da Rules
Fairly OddParents - Clash With the Anti-World
Fairly OddParents - Enter the Cleft
Fairly OddParents - Shadow Showdown
Famicom Mini Vol. 01 - Super Mario Bros. (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 02 - Donkey Kong (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 03 - Ice Climber (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 04 - Excitebike (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 05 - Zelda no Densetsu 1 (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 07 - Xevious (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 08 - Mappy (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 09 - Bomberman (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 10 - Star Soldier (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 11 - Mario Bros. (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 12 - Clu Clu Land (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 13 - Balloon Fight (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 14 - Wrecking Crew (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 15 - Dr. Mario (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 16 - Dig Dug (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 17 - Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 18 - Makaimura (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 19 - Twin Bee (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 20 - Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchuu (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 21 - Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 22 - Nazo no Murasame Jou (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 23 - Metroid (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 24 - Hikari Shinwa - Palthena no Kagami (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 25 - The Legend of Zelda 2 - Link no Bouken (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 26 - Famicom Mukashi Banashi - Shin Onigashima - Zen Kou Hen (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 27 - Famicom Tantei Club - Kieta Koukeisha - Zen Kou Hen (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 28 - Famicom Tantei Club Part II - Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo - Zen Kou Hen (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 29 - Akumajou Dracula (Japan)
Famicom Mini Vol. 30 - SD Gundam World - Gachapon Senshi Scramble Wars (Japan)
Famille Delajungle, La - A la Poursuite de Darwin (France)
Famille Delajungle, La - Le Film (France)
Family Feud
Family Tennis Advance (Japan)
Famista Advance (Japan)
Fancy Pocket (Japan)
Fantastic 4
Fantastic 4 - Flame On
Fantastic Children (Japan)
Fantastic Maerchen - Cake-yasan Monogatari (Japan)
Fantastici 4, I (Italy)
Fear Factor - Unleashed
Field of Nine - Digital Edition 2001 (Japan)
FIFA 2003
FIFA 2004
FIFA 2005
FIFA 2006
FIFA 2007
FIFA World Cup 2006
FILA Decathlon
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls
Final Fantasy I - II Advance (Japan)
Final Fantasy IV Advance
Final Fantasy IV Advance (Japan)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Japan)
Final Fantasy V Advance
Final Fantasy V Advance (Japan)
Final Fantasy VI Advance
Final Fantasy VI Advance (Japan)
Final Fight One
Final Fight One (Japan)
Final Fire Pro Wrestling - Yume no Dantai Unei! (Japan)
Findet Nemo (Germany)
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo (Italy - Spain)
Finding Nemo (Japan)
Finding Nemo (Netherlands -France)
Finding Nemo - Aratanaru Bouken (Japan)
Finding Nemo - The Continuing Adventures
Fire Eaters - Zero Bandits (Beta)
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem (England -France -Germany)
Fire Emblem (England-Italy-Spain)
Fire Emblem - Fuuin no Tsurugi (Japan)
Fire Emblem - Rekka no Ken (Japan)
Fire Emblem - Seima no Kouseki (Japan)
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones
Fire Pro Wrestling
Fire Pro Wrestling 2
Fire Pro Wrestling A (Japan)
Flintstones - Big Trouble in Bedrock
Flushed Away
Ford Racing 3
Formation Soccer 2002 (Japan)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Four Pack Racing
Franklin the Turtle
Franklins Great Adventure
Freestyle Scooter
Frogger - Kodaibunmei no Nazo (Japan)
Frogger - Mahou no Kuni no Daibouken (Japan)
Frogger Advance - The Great Quest
Frogger's Adventure - Temple of the Frog
Frogger's Adventure 2 - The Lost Wand
Frogger's Journey - The Forgotten Relic
From TV Animation One Piece - Mezase! King of Berry (Japan)
From TV Animation One Piece - Nanatsu Shima no Daihihou (Japan)
Frontier Stories (Japan)
Fruit Mura no Doubutsutachi (Japan)
Fushigi no Kuni no Alice (Japan)
Fushigi no Kuni no Angelique (Japan)
Futari ha Precure - Arienaai! Yume no Sono ha Daimeikyuu (Japan)
Futari ha Precure Max Heart - Maji Maji! Fight de IN Janai (Japan)
Gachasute! Dino Device - Blue (Japan)
Gachasute! Dino Device - Red (Japan)
Gachasute! Dino Device 2 - Dragon (Japan)
Gachasute! Dino Device 2 - Phoenix (Japan)
Gachinko Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
Gadget Racers
Gakkou no Kaidan - Hyakuyoubako no Fuuin (Japan)
Gakkou wo Tsukurou!! Advance (Japan)
Gakuen Alice - Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken (Japan)
Gakuen Senki Muryou (Japan)
Galaxy Angel Game Boy Advance - Moridakusan Tenshi no Full-Course - Okawari Jiyuu (Japan)
Galidor - Defenders of the Outer Dimension
Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya - Yomigaeru Densetsu (Japan)
Game & Watch Gallery Advance
Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2 (Japan)
Games Explosion
Ganbare Dodge Fighters (Japan)
Garfield - The Search for Pooky
Garfield and His Nine Lives
Gauntlet - Dark Legacy
Gauntlet Rampart
GBA AV Adapter (China)
GBA TV Tuner PAL (China)
GBA TV Tuner PAL v.2 (China)
Gegege no Kitarou - Kikiippatsu! Youkai Rettou (Japan)
Gekido Advance - Kintaro's Revenge
Gekitou Densetsu Noah - Dream Management (Japan)
Gekitou! Car Battler Go!! (Japan)
Gem Smashers
Genseishin Justirisers Souchaku Chikyuu no Senshitachi (Japan)
Gensou Maden Saiyuuki - Hangyaku no Toushin-taishi (Japan)
Gensou Suikoden - Card Stories (Japan)
Get Ride! Amdriver - Senkou no Hero Tanjou! (Japan)
Get Ride! Amdriver Shuggeki! Battle Party (Japan)
Get! - Boku no Mushi Tsukamaete (Japan)
GetBackers Dakkanya - Jagan Fuuin! (Japan)
GetBackers Dakkanya - Jigoku no Scaramouche (Japan)
GetBackers Dakkanya - Metropolis Dakkan Sakusen! (Japan)
Ghost Rider
Ghost Trap (Japan)
Global Star - Sudoku Fever
Glory Days - Essence of a War
Go! Go! Beckham! - Adventure on Soccer Island
Godzilla - Domination
Godzilla - Kaijuu Dairantou Advance (Japan)
Goemon - New Age Shutsudou! (Japan)
Golden Nugget Casino
Golden Sun
Golden Sun (France)
Golden Sun (Germany)
Golden Sun (Italy)
Golden Sun (Spain)
Golden Sun - Die vergessene Epoche (Germany)
Golden Sun - L'Age Perdu (France)
Golden Sun - L'Era Perduta (Italy)
Golden Sun - La Edad Perdida (Spain)
Golden Sun - The Lost Age
GP-1 Racing (Beta)
Gradius Advance
Gradius Generation (Japan)
Grand Theft Auto Advance
Greatest Nine (Japan)
Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd
Gremlins - Stripe vs. Gizmo
Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Groove Adventure Rave - Hikari to Yami no Daikessen (Japan)
Groove Adventure Rave - Hikari to Yami no Daikessen 2 (Japan)
GT Advance - Championship Racing
GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing
GT Advance 3 - Pro Concept Racing
GT Racers
Guilty Gear X - Advance Edition (Japan)
Guilty Gear X Advance Edition
Gumby vs. the Astrobots
Gundam Seed - Battle Assault
Gunstar Super Heroes
Gunstar Super Heroes (Japan)
Guranbo (Japan)
Guru Logic Champ (Japan)
Gyakuten Saiban (Japan)
Gyakuten Saiban 2 (Japan)
Gyakuten Saiban 3 (Japan)
Hachiemon (Japan)
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi - Meisou no Rondo (Japan)
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi - Omoide no Sonata (Japan)
Hajime no Ippo - The Fighting! (Japan)
Hamepane - Tokyo Mew Mew (Japan)
Hamster Club 3 (Japan)
Hamster Club 4 (Japan)
Hamster Monogatari 2 GBA (Japan)
Hamster Monogatari 3 GBA (Japan)
Hamster Monogatari 3EX 4 Special (Japan)
Hamster Monogatari Collection (Japan)
Hamster Paradise - Pure Heart (Japan)
Hamster Paradise Advanchu (Japan)
Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Games
Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Games (Japan America)
Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Hamtaro - Rainbow Rescue
Hanabi Hyakkei Advance (Japan)
Hanafuda Trump Mahjong - Depachika Wayouchuu (Japan)
Happy Feet
Hardcore Pinball
Hardcore Pool
Harlem Globetrotters - World Tour
Harobots - Robo Hero Battling!! (Japan)
Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup
Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup (Japan)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter Collection
Harry Potter to Azkaban no Shuujin (Japan)
Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya (Japan)
Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi (Japan)
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de (Japan)
Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town
Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town (Germany)
Harvest Moon - More Friends of Mineral Town
Hatena Satena (Japan)
Heidi - The Game
Hello Kitty - Happy Party Pals
Hello Kitty Collection - Miracle Fashion Maker (Japan)
Hello! Idol Debut - Kids Idol Ikusei Game (Japan)
Herbie - Fully Loaded
Hey Arnold! The Movie
Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi (Japan)
Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi - Kaznapped!
Higanbana (Japan)
High Heat - Major League Baseball 2002
High Heat Major League Baseball 2003
High Heat Major League Baseball 2003 (Japan)
Hikaru no Go (Japan)
Hikaru no Go 2 (Japan)
Himawari Doubutsu Byouin - Pet no Oishasan Ikusei Game (Japan)
Hime Kishi Monogatari - Princess Blue (Japan)
Hitsuji no Kimochi (Japan)
Hobbit no Bouken - Lord of the Rings - Hajimari no Monogatari (Japan)
Home on the Range
Horse and Pony - Let's Ride 2
Hoshi no Kirby - Kagami no Daimeikyuu (Japan)
Hoshi no Kirby - Yume no Izumi Deluxe (Japan)
Hot Potato
Hot Wheels - All Out
Hot Wheels - Burnin' Rubber
Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Challenge
Hot Wheels - Velocity X
Hot Wheels - World Race
Hot Wheels Advance
Hot Wheels Advance
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 1 - Bomberman Collection (Japan)
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 2 - Lode Runner Collection (Japan)
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 3 - Action Collection (Japan)
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 4 - Nazotoki Collection (Japan)
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 5 - Shooting Collection (Japan)
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 6 - Bouken Jima Collection (Japan)
Hugo - Agent Roborumble
Hugo - Bukkazoom!
Hugo - The Evil Mirror
Hunter X Hunter - Minna Tomodachi Daisakusen!! (Japan)
Hyper Sports 2002 Winter (Japan)
I Spy Challenger
Ice Age
Ice Age (Japan)
Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown
Ice Nine
Ignition Collection Volume 1
IK Plus - The Ultimate Martial Arts Simulation
Incredibili, Gli - Una 'Normale' Famiglia di Supereroi (Italy)
Incredible Hulk
Incredibles - Rise of the Underminer
Increibles, Los (Spain)
Initial D - Another Stage (Japan)
Inspector Gadget - Advance Mission
Inspector Gadget Racing
International Karate Advanced
International Karate Plus
International Superstar Soccer Advance
Inukko Club (Japan)
Inuyasha - Naraku no Wana! Mayoi no Mori no Shoutaijou (Japan)
Invincible Iron Man
Iridion 3D
Iridion 3D 2
Isseki Hatchou - Kore 1ppon de 8shurui! (Japan)
It's Mr. Pants!
J.League Pocket (Japan)
J.League Pocket 2 (Japan)
J.League Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou! Advance (Japan)
J.League Winning Eleven Advance 2002 (Japan)
Jackie Chan Adventures - Legend of the Dark Hand
Jajamaru Jr. Denshouki - Jalecolle mo Arisourou (Japan)
James Bond 007 - Everything or Nothing
James Bond 007 - NightFire
James Pond - Codename Robocod
Jazz Jack-Rabbit
Jet Grind Radio
Jet Set Radio
JGTO Kounin Golf Master - Japan Golf Tour Game (Japan)
JGTO Kounin Golf Master Mobile - Japan Golf Tour Game (Japan)
Jikkyou World Soccer Pocket (Japan)
Jikkyou World Soccer Pocket 2 (Japan)
Jimmy Neutron - Attack of the Twonkies
Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius
Jimmy Neutron - Jet Fusion
Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron
Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron (Germany)
Jimmy Neutronattaque des Twonkies (France)
Jinsei Game Advance (Japan)
Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! - Juuou Advance (Japan)
Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China)
Jonny Moseley - Mad Trix
Juka and the Monophonic Menace
Jungle Book
Jungle Book 2
Jurassic Park III - Advanced Action (Japan)
Jurassic Park III - Dino Attack
Jurassic Park III - Island Attack
Jurassic Park III - Kyouryuu ni Ainiikou! (Japan)
Jurassic Park III - Park Builder
Jurassic Park III - The DNA Factor
Jurassic Park III - Ushinawareta Idenshi (Japan)
Jurassic Park Institute Tour - Dinosaur Rescue (Japan)
Justice League - Chronicles
Justice League - Injustice for All
Justice League Heroes - The Flash
K-1 Pocket Grand Prix (Japan)
K-1 Pocket Grand Prix 2 (Japan)
Kaeru B Back (Japan)
Kaiketsu Zorori to Mahou no Yuuenchi - Ohimesama wo Sukue! (Japan)
Kamaitachi no Yoru Advance (Japan)
Kami no Kijutsu - Illusion of the Evil Eyes (Japan)
Kao the Kangaroo
Kappa no Kai-Kata Katan Daibouken (Japan)
Karnaaj Rally
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 3 & 4 (Japan)
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 5 - Fushigi no Mori Kara (Japan)
Kawaii Koinu Wonderful (Japan)
Kawaii Pet Game Gallery (Japan)
Kawaii Pet Game Gallery 2 (Japan)
Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari 3 (Japan)
Kaze no Klonoa - Yumemiru Teikoku (Japan)
Kaze no Klonoa G2 - Dream Champ Tournament (Japan)
Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2 - Power (Japan)
Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2 - Speed (Japan)
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
Keroro Gunsou - Taiketsu! Gekisou Keronprix Daisakusen de Arimasu!! (Japan)
Kessakusen! Ganbare Goemon 1+2 (Japan)
Kid Paddle
Kid's Cards
Kidou Gekidan Haro Ichiza Haro no Puyo Puyo (Japan)
Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed - Tomo to Kimi to Koko de. (Japan)
Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed Destiny (Japan)
Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer - Misaki to Yume no Tenshi-tachi (Japan)
Kien - Discover the Secret of Kien
Kikaika Guntai - Mech Platoon (Japan)
Kiki Kaikai Advance (Japan)
Killer 3D Pool
Kim Possible
Kim Possible (Japan)
Kim Possible 2 - Drakken's Demise
Kim Possible 3 - Team Possible
King Kong
King of Fighters EX - Neo Blood
King of Fighters EX 2 - Howling Blood
King of Fighters EX, The - NeoBlood (Japan)
King of Fighters EX2, The - Howling Blood (Japan)
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (Japan)
Kinniku Banzuke - Kimero! Kiseki no Kanzen Seiha (Japan)
Kinniku Banzuke - Kongou-kun no Daibouken! (Japan)
Kinnikuman IIsei - Seigi Choujin heno Michi (Japan)
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland
Kisekko Gurumi - Chesty to Nuigurumi-tachi no Mahou no Bouken (Japan)
Kiss x Kiss Seirei Gakuen (Japan)
Kiwame Mahjong Deluxe - Mirai Senshi 21 (Japan)
Klonoa - Empire of Dreams
Klonoa 2 - Dream Champ Tournament
Klonoa Heroes - Densetsu no Star Medal (Japan)
Koala Brothers - Outback Adventures
Koinu to Issho - Aijou Monogatari (Japan)
Koinu to Issho 2 (Japan)
Koinu-chan no Hajimete no Osanpo - Koinu no Kokoro Ikusei Game (Japan)
Konami Arcade Game Collection (Japan)
Konami Collector's Series - Arcade Advanced
Konami GB Collection Vol. 1
Konami GB Collection Vol. 3
Konami Wai Wai Racing Advance (Japan)
Konami's Krazy Racers
Konchuu Monster Battle Master (Japan)
Konchuu Monster Battle Stadium (Japan)
Konchuu no Mori no Daibouken - Fushigina Sekai no Junin Tachi (Japan)
Kong - King of Atlantis
Kong - The 8th Wonder of the World
Kong - The Animated Series
Konjiki no Gashbell!! - Makai no Bookmark (Japan)
Konjiki no Gashbell!! - Unare! Yuujou no Zakeru (Japan)
Konjiki no Gashbell!! - Unare! Yuujou no Zakeru 2 (Japan)
Konjiki no Gashbell!! The Card Battle for GBA (Japan)
Konjiki no Gashbell!! Yuujou no Zakeru - Dream Tag Tournament (Japan)
Koro Koro Puzzle - Happy Panechu! (Japan)
Kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan Advance (Japan)
Kouchu Ouja Mushiking (Japan)
Koukou Juken Advance Series Eigo Koubun Hen - 26 Units Shuuroku (Japan)
Koukou Juken Advance Series Eijukugo Hen - 650 Phrases Shuuroku (Japan)
Koukou Juken Advance Series Eitango Hen - 2000 Words Shuuroku (Japan)
Krazy Racers
Kunio Kun Nekketsu Collection 2 (Japan)
Kunio Kun Nekketsu Collection 3 (Japan)
Kurohige no Golf Shiyouyo (Japan)
Kurohige no Kurutto Jintori (Japan)
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Kurukuru Kururin (Japan)
Kururin Paradise (Japan)
La Gang Del Bosco (Italy)
Lady Sia
Land Before Time
Land Before Time - Into the Mysterious Land
Lea - Passion Veterinaire (France)
Legend of Dynamic Goushouden - Houkai no Rondo (Japan)
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past
Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap
Legends of Wrestling 2
Legendz - Sign of Nekuromu (Japan)
Legendz - Yomigaeru Shiren no Shima (Japan)
LEGO Drome Racers
LEGO Football Mania
LEGO Island - Xtreme Stunts
LEGO Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge
LEGO Knights' Kingdom
LEGO Racers 2
LEGO Soccer Mania
LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game
LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game (Japan)
LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy
Lemony Snicket - Raetselhafte Ereignisse (Germany)
Lemony Snicket - Una Serie di Sfortunati Eventi (Italy)
Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events
Les Indestructibles
Let's Ride! Dreamer
Let's Ride! Sunshine Stables
Lets Ride - Friends Forever
Licca-chan no Oshare Nikki (Japan)
Lilliput Oukoku - Lillimoni to Issho Puni! (Japan)
Lilo & Stitch
Lilo & Stitch (Japan)
Lilo and Stitch 2 - Hamsterveil Havoc
Lion King
Little Buster Q (Japan)
Little Einstein
Little League Baseball 2002
Little Patissier - Cake no Oshiro (Japan)
Lizzie McGuire - On the Go!
Lizzie McGuire 2 - Lizzie Diaries
Lizzie McGuire 2 - Lizzie Diaries - Special Edition
Lizzie McGuire 3 - Home-Coming Havoc
Lode Runner (Japan)
Looney Tunes - Back in Action
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
Lord of the Rings - The Third Age
Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings, The - Futatsu no Tou (Japan)
Lord of the Rings, The - Nakatsukuni Daisanki (Japan)
Lord of the Rings, The - Ou no Kikan (Japan)
Lost Vikings
Love Hina Advance
Love Hina Advance - Shukufuku no Kane ha Naru Kana (Japan)
Lucky Luke - Wanted
Lufia - The Ruins of Lore
Lunar Legend
Lunar Legend (Japan)
M&M's Blast!
M&M's Break 'Em
Madagascar (Spain)
Madagascar - Operacion Pinguino (Spain)
Madagascar - Operation Penguin
Madagascar - Operation Penguin (France + Germany)
Madagascar - Operation Penguin (Netherlands + Italy)
Madden NFL 2002
Madden NFL 2003
Madden NFL 2004
Madden NFL 2005
Madden NFL 2006
Madden NFL 2007
Made in Wario (Japan)
Magi Nation (Japan)
Magical Houshin (Japan)
Magical Vacation (Japan)
Mahjong Keiji (Japan)
Mahou no Pumpkin - Ann to Greg no Daibouken (Japan)
Mahou Sensei Negima! - Private Lesson 2 Ojamashimasuu Parasite de Chu (Japan)
Mahou Sensei Negima! - Private Lesson Damedesuu Toshokanjima (Japan)
Mail de Cute (Japan)
Maja Biene, Die - Klatschmohnwiese in Gefahr (Germany)
Majesco's Sports Pack
Majokko Cream-chan no Gokko Series 1 - Wannyan Idol Gakuen (Japan)
Majokko Cream-chan no Gokko Series 2 - Kisekae Angel (Japan)
Manga-ka Debut Monogatari (Japan)
Maniac Racers Advance
Manic Miner
MAR - Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Japan)
Marble Madness & Klax
March of the Penguins
Marie, Elie & Anis no Atelier - Soyokaze Kara no Dengon (Japan)
Mario & Luigi RPG (Japan)
Mario and Luigi - Superstar Saga
Mario Golf - Advance Tour
Mario Golf - Advance Tour (France)
Mario Golf - Advance Tour (Germany)
Mario Golf - Advance Tour (Italy)
Mario Golf - Advance Tour (Spain)
Mario Golf - GBA Tour (Japan)
Mario Kart - Super Circuit
Mario Kart Advance (Japan)
Mario Party Advance
Mario Party Advance (Japan)
Mario Pinball Land
Mario Tennis - Power Tour
Mario Tennis Advance (Japan)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Japan)
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance
Mary-Kate and Ashley - Girls Night Out
Mary-Kate and Ashley - Sweet 16 - Licensed to Drive
Masters of the Universe - He-Man - Power of Grayskull
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2
Matantei Loki Ragnarok - Gensou no Labyrinth (Japan)
Matchbox - Cross Town Heroes
Math Patrol - The Kleptoid Threat
Mawaru - Made in Wario (Japan)
Max Payne
Maya the Bee - Sweet Gold
Maya the Bee - The Great Adventure
Mazes of Fate
Mech Platoon
Medabots AX - Metabee Version
Medabots AX - Rokusho Version
Medabots RPG - Metabee Version
Medabots RPG - Rokusho Version
Medal of Honor - Infiltrator
Medal of Honor - Underground
Medal of Honor Advance (Japan)
Medarot G - Kabuto Version (Japan)
Medarot G - Kuwagata Version (Japan)
Medarot Navi - Kabuto (Japan)
Medarot Navi - Kuwagata (Japan)
Medarot Ni Core - Kabuto Version (Japan)
Medarot Ni Core - Kuwagata Version (Japan)
Meet the Robinsons
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man - Battle Chip Challenge
Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - Blue
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - White
Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Blue Moon
Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Red Sun
Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Colonel
Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Protoman
Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Falzar
Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Gregar
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero 2
Mega Man Zero 3
Mega Man Zero 4
Meine Tierarztpraxis (My Vet. Practice)
Meitantei Conan - Akatsuki no Monument (Japan)
Meitantei Conan - Nerawareta Tantei (Japan)
Men in Black - The Series
Mermaid Melody - Pichi Pichi Pitch (Japan)
Mermaid Melody - Pichi Pichi Pitch - Pichi Pichi Party (Japan)
Mermaid Melody - Pichi Pichi Pitch - Pichi Pichitto Live Start! (Japan)
Metal Max 2 Kai (Japan)
Metal Slug Advance
Metal Slug Advance (Japan)
Metalgun Slinger (Japan)
Metroid - Fusion
Metroid - Zero Mission
Metroid - Zero Mission (Japan)
Metroid Fusion (Japan)
Mezase Koushien (Japan)
Mickey no Pocket Resort (Japan)
Mickey to Donald no Magical Quest 3 (Japan)
Mickey to Minnie no Magical Quest (Japan)
Mickey to Minnie no Magical Quest 2 (Japan)
Micro Machines
Midnight Club - Street Racing
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits
Mighty Beanz - Pocket Puzzles
Mike Tyson - Boxing
Minami no Umi no Odyssey (Japan)
Minimoni - Mika no Happy Morning Chatty (Japan)
Minimoni - Onegai Ohoshi-sama! (Japan)
Minna de Puyo Puyo (Japan)
Minna no Ouji-sama (Japan)
Minna no Shiiku Series - Boku no Kabuto-Kuwagata (Japan)
Minna no Shiiku Series 1 - Boku no Kabuto Mushi (Japan)
Minna no Shiiku Series 2 - Boku no Kuwagata (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Happy Trump 20 (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Hyokkori Hyoutanjima - Don Gabacho Daikatsuyaku no Maki (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Minna no Mahjong (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Minna no Shogi (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Numpla Advance (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Shanghai (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Tetris Advance (Japan)
Minna no Soft Series - Zooo (Japan)
Minority Report - Everybody Runs
Mirakuru! Panzou - 7tsu no Hoshi no Uchuukaizoku (Japan)
Mission Impossible - Operation Surma
Miteluode - Lingdian Renwu (China)
Miteluode Ronghe (China)
MLB SlugFest 2004
Mobile Pro Yakyuu - Kantoku no Saihai (Japan)
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - Battle Assault
Moero!! Jaleco Collection (Japan)
Momotarou Dentetsu G Gold Deck wo Tsukure! (Japan)
Momotarou Matsuri (Japan)
Monkey Ball Jr.
Monster AG, Die (Germany)
Monster Bass Fishing
Monster Farm Advance (Japan)
Monster Farm Advance 2 (Japan)
Monster Force
Monster Gate (Japan)
Monster Gate - Ooinaru Dungeon - Fuuin no Orb (Japan)
Monster Guardians (Japan)
Monster House
Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction
Monster Maker 4 - Flash Card (Japan)
Monster Maker 4 - Killer Dice (Japan)
Monster Rancher Advance
Monster Rancher Advance 2
Monster Summoner (Japan)
Monster Truck Madness
Monster Trucks
Monster Trucks Mayhem
Monsters Inc.
Monsters, Inc. (England - France - Italy)
Monsters, Inc. (Japan)
Monsters, Inc. (Netherlands - English - Spain)
Moorhen 3 - Chicken Chase
Morita Shougi Advance (Japan)
Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition
Mortal Kombat Advance
Mother 1+2 (Japan)
Mother 3 (Japan)
Moto GP
Moto GP (Japan)
Moto Racer Advance
Motocross Maniacs Advance
Motocross Maniacs Advance (Japan)
Mr. Driller 2
Mr. Driller 2 (Japan)
Mr. Driller A - Fushigi na Pacteria (Japan)
Mr. Incredible (Japan)
Mr. Incredible - Kyouteki Under Minor Toujyou (Japan)
Mr. Nutz
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness
Mucha Lucha - Mascaritas of the Lost Code
Mugenborg (Japan)
Muppet Pinball Mayhem
Muppets - On With the Show!
Mutsu - Water Looper Mutsu (Japan)
MX 2K2 Ricky Carmichael
My Animal Centre in Africa
My Little Pony Crystal Princess - The Runaway Rainbow
My Pet Hotel
My Stud Farm
Nakayoshi Mahjong - Kaburiichi (Japan)
Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 1 - Kawaii Hamster (Japan)
Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 2 - Kawaii Koinu (Japan)
Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 3 - Kawaii Koneko (Japan)
Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 4 - Kawaii Koinu Mini - Wankoto Asobou!! Kogata-ken (Japan)
Nakayoshi Youchien - Sukoyaka Enji Ikusei Game (Japan)
Namco Museum
Namco Museum (Japan)
Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary
Nancy Drew - Message in a Haunted Mansion
Napoleon (Japan)
Narikiri Jockey Game - Yuushun Rhapsody (Japan)
Naruto - Konoha Senki (Japan)
Naruto - Ninja Council
Naruto - Ninja Council 2
Naruto - Ninjutsu Zenkai! Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu (Japan)
Naruto - Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 2 (Japan)
Naruto RPG - Uketsugareshi Hi no Ishi (Japan)
NASCAR Heat 2002
Natural 2 - Duo (Japan)
NBA Jam 2002
Need for Speed - Most Wanted
Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed
Need for Speed - Underground
Need for Speed - Underground 2
Need for Speed Carbon - Own the City
Nekketsu Collection 1 (Japan)
Next Generation Tennis
NFL Blitz 2002
NFL Blitz 2003
NHL 2002
NHL Hitz 2003
Nicktoons - Attack of the Toybots
Nicktoons - Battle for Volcano Island
Nicktoons - Freeze Frame Frenzy
Nicktoons Racing
Nicktoons Unite
Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin Tetsuman Advance - Menkyo Kaiden Series (Japan)
Ninja Cop
Ninja Five-O
No no no Puzzle Chailien (Japan)
No Rules - Get Phat
Nobunaga Ibun (Japan)
Nobunaga no Yabou (Japan)
Noddy - a Day in Toyland
Nos Voisinsles Hommes (France)
Nyan Nyan Nyanko no Nyan Collection (Japan)
Ochaken Kururin - Honwaka Puzzle de Hotto Shiyo (Japan)
Ochaken no Bouken Jima - Honwaka Yume no Island (Japan)
Ochaken no Heya (Japan)
Ochaken no Yumebouken (Japan)
Oddworld - Munch's Oddysee
Oddworld - Munch's Oddysee (Germany)
Ohanaya-san Monogatari GBA - Iyashikei Ohanaya-san Ikusei Game (Japan)
Ojarumaru - Gekkouchou Sanpo de Ojaru (Japan)
Okumanchouja Game - Nottori Daisakusen! (Japan)
One Piece
One Piece - Going Baseball - Haejeok Yaku (Korea)
One Piece - Going Baseball - Kaizoku Yakyuu (Japan)
One Piece - Ilgop Seomui Debomool (Korea)
One Piece Dragon Dream (Japan)
Onimusha Tactics
Onimusha Tactics (Japan)
Onmyou Taisenki Zeroshiki (Japan)
Open Season
Operation Armored Liberty
Oriental Blue - Ao no Tengai (Japan)
Original Harlem Globetrotters
Oshaberi Inko Club (Japan)
Oshare Princess (Japan)
Oshare Princess 2 (Japan)
Oshare Princess 3 (Japan)
Oshare Princess 5 (Japan)
Oshare Wanko (Japan)
Ottifanten Pinball (Germany)
Ougon no Taiyou - Hirakareshi Fuuin (Japan)
Ougon no Taiyou - Ushinawareshi Toki (Japan)
Outback Adventures
Over the Hedge
Over The Hedge (Spain)
Over the Hedge - Beesten Bij de Buren (Netherlands)
Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts
Ozzy and Drix
Paard & Pony - Mijn Manege (Europe)
Paard & Pony - Paard in Galop (Europe)
Pac-Man Collection
Pac-Man Collection (Japan)
Pac-Man Pinball Advance
Pac-Man World
Pac-Man World 2
Paws & Claws - Pet Resort
Pazunin - Uminin no Puzzle de Nimu (Japan)
Penny Racers
Personal Organizer PDA
Peter Pan - Return to Neverland
Peter Pan - The Motion Picture Event
Petz - Hamsterz Life 2
Petz Vet
Pferd & Pony - Mein Pferdehof (Europe)
Phalanx - The Enforce Fighter A-144
Phalanx - The Enforce Fighter A-144 (Japan)
Phantasy Star Collection
Phil of the Future
Pia Carrot he Youkoso!! 3.3 (Japan)
Piglet's Big Game
Pikapika Nurse Monogatari - Nurse Ikusei Game (Japan)
Pinball Advance
Pinball Challenge Deluxe
Pinball of the Dead
Pinball of the Dead, The (Japan)
Pinball Tycoon
Pink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit
Pinky and the Brain - The Master Plan
Pinky Monkey Town (Japan)
Pinobee & Phoebee (Japan)
Pinobee - Wings of Adventure
Pinobee no Daibouken (Japan)
Pippa Funnell - Stable Adventure
Pippa Funnell 2
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl
Pitfall - The Lost Expedition
Pitfall - The Lost Expedition (France)
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure
Planet Monsters
Planet of the Apes
Play Novel - Silent Hill (Japan)
Play-Yan Micro (Japan)
Playan AV Player (Japan)
Pocket Dogs
Pocket Monsters - Emerald (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Fire Red (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Fushigi no Dungeon Aka no Kyuujotai (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Leaf Green (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Ruby (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Sapphire (Japan)
Pocket Music
Pocket Professor - Kwik Notes Vol.1
Pocky & Rocky with Becky
Poke Inu (Japan)
Pokemon - Advanced Adventure (Hack)
Pokemon - Blattgruene Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Edicion Esmeralda (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Rojo Fuego (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Rubi (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Verde Hoja (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Zafiro (Spain)
Pokemon - Feuerrote Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Rubin-Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Saphir-Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Smaragd-Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Version Emeraude (France)
Pokemon - Version Rouge Feu (France)
Pokemon - Version Rubis (France)
Pokemon - Version Saphir (France)
Pokemon - Version Vert Feuille (France)
Pokemon - Versione Rosso Fuoco (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Rubino (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Smeraldo (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Verde Foglia (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Zaffiro (Italy)
Pokemon AshGray (Hack)
Pokemon Crono (Hack)
Pokemon CrystalDust (Hack)
Pokemon Dark Cry - The Legend of Giratina (Hack)
Pokemon Dark Rising (Hack)
Pokemon Dark Rising 2 (Hack)
Pokemon DarkViolet (Hack)
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon FireRed
Pokemon FireRed Omega (Hack)
Pokemon Flora Sky (Hack)
Pokemon Glazed! (Hack)
Pokemon LeafGreen
Pokemon Light Platinum (Hack)
Pokemon Liquid Crystal (Hack)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team
Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Sapphire
Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Sapphire (Japan)
Pokemon Resolute Version (Hack)
Pokemon Ruby
Pokemon Ruby Destiny - Life of Guardians (Hack)
Pokemon Ruby Destiny - Reign of Legends (Hack)
Pokemon Ruby Destiny - Rescue Rangers (Hack)
Pokemon Sapphire
Pokemon Shining Opal (Hack)
Pokemon Shiny Gold (Hack)
Pokemon Shiny Gold X (Hack)
Pokemon Sienna (Hack)
Pokemon Snakewood (Hack)
Pokemon Thunder Emblem (Hack)
Pokemon Victory Fire (Hack)
Polar Express
Polarium Advance
Polly Pocket - Super Splash Island
Pop Idol
Popeye - Rush for Spinach
Power Poke Dash (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 1-2 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 3 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 4 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 6 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 7 (Japan)
Power Rangers - Dino-Thunder
Power Rangers - La Force du Temps (France)
Power Rangers - Ninja Storm
Power Rangers - Space Patrol Delta
Power Rangers - Time Force (Germany)
Power Rangers - Time-Force
Power Rangers - Wild Force
Powerpuff Girls - Him and Seek
Powerpuff Girls - Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go
Prehistorik Man
Premier Action
Premier League Manager
Premier Manager 2003-2004
Premier Manager 2004-2005
Premier Manager 2005 - 2006
Prince of Persia - Sands of Time
Princess Natasha - Student, Secret Agent, Princess
Pro Action Replay (Japan)
Pro Beach Soccer
Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono GBA (Japan)
Pro Tennis WTA Tour
Pro Yakyuu Team wo Tsukurou! Advance (Japan)
Proud Family
PukuPuku Tennen Kairanban (Japan)
PukuPuku Tennen Kairanban - Koi no Cupid Daisakusen (Japan)
PukuPuku Tennen Kairanban - Youkoso! Illusion Land he (Japan)
Punch King - Arcade Boxing
Puppy Luv - Spa and Resort
Puyo Pop
Puyo Pop Fever
Puyo Puyo Fever (Japan)
Puzzle & Tantei Collection (Japan)
Puzzle Fighter 2
Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Pyuu to Fuku! Jaguar - Byoo to Deru! Megane-kun (Japan)
Quad Desert Fury
Qui Veut Gagner des Millions (France)
Quiere Ser Millonario (Spain)
R-Type 3
Racing Fever
Racing Gears Advance
Rampage - Puzzle Attack
Rapala - Pro Fishing
Rave Master - Special Attack Force
Rayman - 10th Anniversary Collection
Rayman - Hoodlum's Revenge
Rayman - Raving Rabbids
Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc
Rayman Advance
Razmoceket, Les - Voler N'Est Pas Jouer (France)
Razmoket Rencontrent les Delajungle, Les (France)
Razmoket, Les - A Moi la Fiesta (France)
Razor - Freestyle Scooter
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2
Rebelstar - Tactical Command
Recca no Honoo - The Game (Japan)
Reign of Fire
Relaxuma na Mainichi (Japan)
Rescue Heroes - Billy Blazes!
Revenge of Shinobi
Revenge of the Smurfs
Rhythm Tengoku (Japan)
Ripping Friends
River City Ransom EX
Riviera - The Promised Land
Riviera - Yakusoku no Chi Riviera (Japan)
Road Rash - Jailbreak
Robopon 2 - Cross Version
Robopon 2 - Ring Version
Robot Ponkottsu 2 - Cross Version (Japan)
Robot Ponkottsu 2 - Ring Version (Japan)
Robot Wars - Advanced Destruction
Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction
Robotech - The Macross Saga
Robots (Japan)
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots
Rock 'N Roll Racing
Rocket Power - Beach Bandits
Rocket Power - Dream Scheme
Rocket Power - Le Cauchemar d'Otto (France)
Rocket Power - Zero Gravity Zone
Rockman & Forte (Japan)
Rockman EXE 4 - Tournament Blue Moon (Japan)
Rockman EXE 4 - Tournament Red Sun (Japan)
Rockman EXE 4.5 - Real Operation (Japan)
Rockman EXE 5 - Team of Blues (Japan)
Rockman EXE 5 - Team of Colonel (Japan)
Rockman EXE 6 - Dennoujuu Faltzer (Japan)
Rockman EXE 6 - Dennoujuu Grega (Japan)
Rockman EXE Battle Chip GP (Japan)
Rockman Zero (Japan)
Rockman Zero 2 (Japan)
Rockman Zero 3 (Japan)
Rockman Zero 4 (Japan)
Roland Garros 2002 - Next Generation Tennis
RPG Tsukuru Advance (Japan)
Rugrats - All Grown Up
Rugrats - Castle Capers
Rugrats - Go Wild
Rugrats - I Gotta go Party
Rugrats - Travesuras en el Castillo (Spain)
Sabre Wulf
Sabrina the Teenage Witch - Potion Commotion
Saibara Rieko no Dendou Mahjong (Japan)
Sakura Momoko no UkiUki Carnival (Japan)
Salt Lake 2002
Samurai Deeper Kyo (Japan)
Samurai Evolution - Oukoku Geist (Japan)
Samurai Jack - The Amulet of Time
Sangokushi (China)
Sangokushi (Japan)
Sangokushi - Eiketsuden (Japan)
Sangokushi - Koumeiden (Japan)
Sanrio Puroland - All Characters (Japan)
Sansara Naga 1x2 (Japan)
Santa Claus Jr.
Santa Claus Saves the Earth
Santa Clause 3 - The Escape Clause
Scan Hunter - Sennen Kaigyo wo Oe! (Japan)
Scooby-Doo (France)
Scooby-Doo (Germany)
Scooby-Doo (Spain)
Scooby-Doo - Mystery Mayhem
Scooby-Doo - Unmasked
Scooby-Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed
Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase
Scooby-Doo! Unmasked (England-France)
Scooby-Doo! Unmasked (Italy-Spain)
Scorpion King - Sword of Osiris
Scrabble Blast
Scrabble Scramble
Screw Breaker - Goushin Dorirurero (Japan)
Scurge - Hive
SD Gundam Force
SD Gundam Force (Japan)
SD Gundam G-Generation Advance (Japan)
Sea Trader - Rise of Taipan
Sea World - Shamu's Deep Sea Adventure
Secret Agent Barbie - Royal Jewels Mission
Sega Arcade Gallery
Sega Rally Championship
Sega Rally Championship (Japan)
Sega Smash Pack
Sengoku Kakumei Gaiden (Japan)
Sennen Kazoku (Japan)
Sentouin Yamada Hajime (Japan)
Serious Sam Advance
Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Soaring Hawk
Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Sprinting Wolf
Shaman King - Master of Spirits
Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2
Shaman King Card Game - Chou Senjiryakketsu 2 (Japan)
Shaman King Card Game - Chou Senjiryakketsu 3 (Japan)
Shanghai Advance (Japan)
Shark Story (Italy)
Shark Tale
Shark Tale (Japan)
Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder
Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder (Germany)
Shifting Gears - Road Trip
Shikakui Atama wo Marukusuru Advance - Kanji Keisan (Japan)
Shikakui Atama wo Marukusuru Advance - Kokugo Sansu Rika Shakai (Japan)
Shimura Ken no Baka Tonosama - Bakushou Tenka Touitsu Game (Japan)
Shin Bokura no Taiyou - Gyakushuu no Sabata (Japan)
Shin Kisekae Monogatari (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Hikari no Sho (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Honoo no Sho (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Koori no Sho (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Messiah Riser (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Puzzle de Call! (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Yami no Sho (Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei II (Japan)
Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling - Toukon Retsuden Advance (Japan)
Shin Sangoku Musou Advance (Japan)
Shinchan - Aventuras en Cineland (Spain)
Shinchan Contra Los Munecos De Shock Gahn (Spain)
Shingata Medarot - Kabuto Version (Japan)
Shingata Medarot - Kuwagata Version (Japan)
Shining Force - Kuroki Ryuu no Fukkatsu (Japan)
Shining Force - Resurrection of the Dark Dragon
Shining Soul
Shining Soul (Japan)
Shining Soul 2
Shining Soul II (Japan)
Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu (Japan)
Shiren Monsters Netsal (Japan)
Shrek - Hassle at the Castle
Shrek - Reekin' Havoc
Shrek - Smash N Crash Racing
Shrek - Super Slam
Shrek - Swamp Kart
Shrek 2
Shrek 2 - Beg for Mercy
Shrek the Third
Sigma Star Saga
Silent Scope
Silent Scope (Japan)
Silk to Cotton (Japan)
Sim City 2000
Simple 2960 Tomodachi Series Vol. 1 - The Table Game Collection (Japan)
Simple 2960 Tomodachi Series Vol. 2 - The Block Kuzushi (Japan)
Simple 2960 Tomodachi Series Vol. 3 - The Itsudemo Puzzle - Massugu Soroeru Straws (Japan)
Simple 2960 Tomodachi Series Vol. 4 - The Trump - Minna de Asoberu 12 Shurui no Trump Game (Japan)
Simpsons - Road Rage
Sims - Bustin' Out
Sims 2
Sims 2 - Pets
Sims, The (Japan)
Sister Princess - RePure (Japan)
Sitting Ducks
SK8 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Japan)
Sky Dancers - They Magically Fly!
Slime Morimori Dragon Quest - Shougeki no Shippo Dan (Japan)
Slot! Pro 2 Advance - GoGo Juggler & New Tairyou (Japan)
Slot! Pro Advance - Takarabune & Ooedo Sakurafubuki 2 (Japan)
Smashing Drive
Smuggler's Run
Snap Kid's (Japan)
Snood 2 - On Vacation
Soccer Kid
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance (Japan)
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 2 (Japan)
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Advance 3 (Japan)
Sonic Battle
Sonic Battle (Japan)
Sonic Pinball Party
Sonic Pinball Party (Japan)
Sonic the Hedgehog - Genesis
Sound of Thunder
Space Channel 5 - Ulala's Cosmic Attack
Space Hexcite - Maetel Legend EX (Japan)
Space Invaders
Space Invaders (France)
Space Invaders EX (Japan)
Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe
Spider-Man (France)
Spider-Man (Germany)
Spider-Man - Battle for New York
Spider-Man - Mysterio no Kyoui (Japan)
Spider-Man - Mysterio's Menace
Spider-Man - The Movie
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2 (Italy)
Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man 3 (France)
Spider-Man 3 (Germany)
Spider-Man 3 (Italy)
Spider-Man 3 (Spain)
Spider-Man Battle for New York
Spirit - Der wilde Mustang - Auf der Suche nach Homeland (Germany)
Spirit - L'Etalon des Plaines - A la Recherche de la Terre Natale (France)
Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron
Spirits and Spells
Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell 2 - Pandora Tomorrow
SpongeBob and Friends - Attack of the Toybots
SpongeBob SquarePants & Friends Unite
SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom
SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab
SpongeBob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, Pants!
SpongeBob SquarePants - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman
SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge
SpongeBob SquarePants - The Movie
SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Baseball
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Football
Spy Hunter
Spy Hunter - Super Sprint
Spy Kids 3D - Game Over
Spy Kids Challenger
Spy Muppets - License to Croak
Spyro - A New Beginning
Spyro - Season of Ice
Spyro - The Eternal Night
Spyro 2 - Season of Flame
Spyro 3 - Attack of the Rhynocs
Spyro Advance (Japan)
Spyro Advance - Wakuwaku Tomodachi Daisakusen! (Japan)
Spyro Fusion
Spyro Orange - The Cortex Conspiracy
Spyro's Adventures
SSX Tricky
Stadium Games
Star Wars - Flight of the Falcon
Star Wars - The New Droid Army
Star Wars Episode I - Jedi Power Battles
Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Trilogy - Apprentice of the Force
Star X
Starsky and Hutch
Steel Empire
Steven Gerrard's Total Soccer 2002
Strawberry Shortcake - Ice Cream Island Riding Camp
Strawberry Shortcake - Summertime Adventure
Strawberry Shortcake - Summertime Adventure - Special Edition
Strawberry Shortcake - Sweet Dreams
Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper (Japan)
Street Jam Basketball
Street Racing Syndicate
Street-Fighter 2 - Turbo Revival
Street-Fighter Alpha 3
Strike Force Hydra
Stuart Little 2
Stuart Little 2 (France)
Sudoku Fever
Sugar Sugar Rune - Heart Ga Ippai! Moegi Gakuen (Japan)
Suite Life of Zack & Cody - Tipton Caper
Sum of all Fears
Summon Night - Craft Sword Monogatari (Japan)
Summon Night - Craft Sword Monogatari - Hajimari no Ishi (Japan)
Summon Night - Craft Sword Monogatari 2 (Japan)
Summon Night - Swordcraft Story
Summon Night - Swordcraft Story 2
Super Army War
Super Black Bass Advance (Japan)
Super Chinese 1-2 Advance (Japan)
Super Donkey Kong (Japan)
Super Donkey Kong 2 (Japan)
Super Donkey Kong 3 (Japan)
Super Duper Sumos
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Super Mario Advance
Super Mario Advance (Japan)
Super Mario Advance 2 (Japan)
Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World
Super Mario Advance 3 (Japan)
Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island
Super Mario Advance 4 (Japan)
Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Ball
Super Mario Ball (Japan)
Super Puzzle Bobble Advance (Japan)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Super Real Mahjong Dousoukai (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation
Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation 2
Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation 2 (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen A (China)
Super Robot Taisen A (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen D (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen J (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen R (Japan)
Super Street Fighter II X - Revival (Japan)
Superman - Countdown to Apokolips
Superman Returns - Fortress of Solitude
Surf's Up
Sutakomi - Star Communicator (Japan)
Sweet Cookie Pie (Japan)
Sword of Mana
Sword of Mana (France - Germany)
Sword of Mana (Italy - Spain)
Sylvanian Families - Fashion Designer ni Naritai! - Kurumi-risu no Onnanoko (Japan)
Sylvanian Families - Yousei no Stick to Fushigi no Ki - Marron-inu no Onnanoko (Japan)
Sylvanian Families 4 - Meguru Kisetsu no Tapestry (Japan)
Tactics Ogre - The Knight of Lodis
Tactics Ogre Gaiden - The Knight of Lodis (Japan)
Taiketsu! Ultra Hero (Japan)
Tak - The Great JuJu Challenge
Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams
Tak and the Power of JuJu
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Phantasia (Japan)
Tales of the World - Narikiri Dungeon 2 (Japan)
Tales of the World - Narikiri Dungeon 3 (Japan)
Tales of the World - Summoner's Lineage (Japan)
Tanbi Musou - Meine Liebe (Japan)
Tang Tang
Tantei Gakuen Q - Kyuukyoku Trick ni Idome! (Japan)
Tantei Gakuen Q - Meitantei ha Kimi da! (Japan)
Tantei Jinguuji Saburou - Shiroi Kage no Shoujo (Japan)
Tarzan - L'Appel de la Jungle (France)
Tarzan - Rueckkehr in den Dschungel (Germany)
Taxi 3 (France)
Teen Titans
Teen Titans 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus
Tekken Advance
Tekken Advance (Japan)
Ten Pin Alley 2
Tennis Masters Series 2003
Tennis no Ouji-sama - Aim at the Victory! (Japan)
Tennis no Ouji-sama - Genius Boys Academy (Japan)
Tennis no Ouji-sama 2003 - Cool Blue (Japan)
Tennis no Ouji-sama 2003 - Passion Red (Japan)
Tennis no Ouji-sama 2004 - Glorious Gold (Japan)
Tennis no Ouji-sama 2004 - Stylish Silver (Japan)
Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines
Tetris Worlds
Tetris Worlds (Japan)
Texas Hold 'Em - Poker
TG Rally
That's so Raven
That's so Raven 2 - Super Natural Style
Three Stooges
Thunder Alley
Thunderbirds - International Rescue
Tiger Woods - PGA Tour 2004
Tiger Woods - PGA Tour Golf
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Pumpkin King
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Pumpkin King (Japan)
Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Bad Dream
Tiny Toon Adventures - Scary Dreams
Tiny Toones - Wacky Stackers
Tir et But - Edition Champions du Monde (France)
Titeuf - Ze Gagmachine (France)
Titeuf Mega Compet (France)
Titi et les Bijoux Magiques (France)
TOCA World Touring Cars
Tokimeki Yume Series 1 - Ohanaya-san ni Narou! (Japan)
Tokyo Majin Gakuen - Fuju Houroku (Japan)
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Advance
Tom and Jerry - The Magic Ring
Tom and Jerry in Infurnal Escape
Tom and Jerry Tales
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear
Tomato Adventure (Japan)
Tomb Raider - Legend
Tomb Raider - The Prophecy
Tomb Raider - The Prophecy (Japan)
Tonka - On the Job
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (France)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Germany)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (France)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Germany)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Tony Hawk's Underground
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Tootuff - Gagmachine
Top Gear GT Championship
Top Gear Rally
Top Gear Rally (Japan)
Top Gun - Combat Zones
Top Gun - Firestorm Advance
Top Spin 2
Total Soccer
Total Soccer Advance (Japan)
Total Soccer Manager
Totally Spies
Totally Spies 2 - Undercover
Tottoko Hamutarou 3 - Love Love Daibouken Dechu (Japan)
Tottoko Hamutarou 4 - Nijiiro Daikoushin Dechu (Japan)
Toukon Heat (Japan)
Tower SP, The (Japan)
Toyrobo Force (Japan)
Treasure Planet
Trick Star
Trollz - Hair Affair
Tron2.0 - Killer App
Tsuukin Hitofude (Japan)
Turbo Turtle Adventure
Turok Evolution
Tweety and the Magic Gems
Tweety and the Magic Gems (Germany)
Tweety no Hearty Party (Japan)
Twin Series 1 - Mezase Debut! Fashion Designer Monogatari + Kawaii Pet Game Gallery 2 (Japan)
Twin Series 2 - Oshare Princess 4 + Renai Uranai Daisakusen (Japan)
Twin Series 3 - Konchuu Monster + Suchai Labyrinth (Japan)
Twin Series 4 - Hamu Hamu Monster EX + Fantasy Puzzle Hamster Monogatari - Mahou no Meikyuu 1.2.3 (Japan)
Twin Series 5 - Wanwan Meitantei EX + Mahou no Kuni no Cake-yasan Monogatari (Japan)
Twin Series 6 - Wannyan Idol Gakuen + Koinu to Issho Special (Japan)
Twin Series 7 - Twin Puzzle - Kisekae Wanko Ex + Puzzle Rainbow Magic 2 (Japan)
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - Bush Rescue
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3 - Night of the Quinkan
Uchuu Daisakusen Choco Vader - Uchuu Kara no Shinryakusha (Japan)
Uchuu no Stellvia (Japan)
Ueki no Housoku - Jingi Sakuretsu! Nouryokusha Battle (Japan)
Ui-Ire - World Soccer Winning Eleven (Japan)
Ultimate Arcade Games
Ultimate Beach Soccer
Ultimate Brain Games
Ultimate Card Games
Ultimate Muscle - The Path of the Superhero
Ultimate Puzzle Games
Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate Winter Games
Ultra Keibitai - Monster Attack (Japan)
Unglaublichen, Die (Germany)
Uno - Free Fall
Uno 52
Urban Yeti
Urbz - Sims in the City
Urbz, The - Sims in the City (Japan)
V-Master Cross (Japan)
V-Rally 3
V-Rally 3 (Japan)
Van Helsing
Vattroller X (Japan)
VeggieTales - LarryBoy and the Bad Apple
Virtua Tennis
Virtual Kasparov
Wade Hixton's Counter Punch
Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - 8 Nin no Toki no Yousei (Japan)
Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - Dokidoki Memorial Panic (Japan)
Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - Nazo no Kagi to Shinjitsu no Tobira (Japan)
Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - Ougon Maracas no Densetsu (Japan)
Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - Taisen Mahoudama (Japan)
Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! - Yume no Kakera (Japan)
Wakeboarding Unleashed
Waliou Xunbao Ji (China)
Waliou Zhizao (China)
Wan Nyan Doubutsu Byouin (Japan)
Wanko de Kururin! Wancle (Japan)
Wanko Mix Chiwanko World (Japan)
Wanwan Meitantei (Japan)
Wario Land Advance (Japan)
Wario Ware Inc.
Wario Ware Twisted
Wario-Land 4
Watashi no Makesalon (Japan)
Weekend Miljonairs (Netherlands)
Wer wird Millionaer (Germany)
Whac a Mole
Whistle! - Dai 37 Kai Tokyo-to Chuugakkou Sougou Taiiku Soccer Taikai (Japan)
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - Junior Edition
Wild Thornberrys - Chimp Chase
Wild Thornberrys - The Movie
Wing Commander Prophecy
Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure
Winning Eleven - World Soccer
Winning Post for Game Boy Advance (Japan)
Winter Sports
WinX Club
WinX Club - Quest for the Codex
Wizardry Summoner (Japan)
Wolfenstein 3D
Woody Woodpecker - Crazy Castle 5 (Japan)
Woody Woodpecker in Crazy Castle 5
Word Safari - The Friendship Totems
World Advance Soccer - Shouri heno Michi (Japan)
World Championship Poker
World Poker Tour
World Tennis Stars
Worms Blast
Worms World Party
WTA Tour Tennis
WTA Tour Tennis Pocket (Japan)
WWE - Road to Wrestlemania X8
WWE Survivor Series
WWF - Road to Wrestlemania
X-Bladez - Inline Skater
X-Men - Reign of Apocalypse
X-Men - The Official Game
X-Men 2 - La Vengeance de Wolverine (France)
X2 - Wolverine's Revenge
XS Moto
xXx (France)
Yaoxi Dao (China)
Yggdra Union (Japan)
Yggdra Union - We'll Never Fight Alone
Yoshi no Banyuuinryoku (Japan)
Yoshi's Universal Gravitation
Youkaidou (Japan)
Yu Yu Hakusho - Spirit Detective
Yu Yu Hakusho - Tournament Tactics
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters Expert 2006 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Sugoroku no Sugoroku (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory - World Championship Tournament 2005
Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - International Worldwide Edition (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - International Worldwide Edition 2 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6 Expert 2 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 7 - Kettou Toshi Densetsu (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 8 - Hametsu no Daijashin (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Expert 3 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX - Mezase Duel King (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Duel Academy
Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters - World Championship Tournament 2006
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004
Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel
Yuujou no Victory Goal 4v4 Arashi - Get the Goal!! (Japan)
Yuureiyashiki no Nijuuyojikan (Japan)
Z.O.E. 2173 - Testament (Japan)
ZatchBell! - Electric Arena
Zelda no Densetsu - Fushigi no Boushi (Japan)
Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce & 4tsu no Tsurugi (Japan)
Zen-Nihon GT Senshuken (Japan)
Zen-Nihon Shounen Soccer Taikai 2 - Mezase Nihon-ichi! (Japan)
Zero One (Japan)
Zero One SP (Japan)
Zero-Tours (Japan)
Zettaizetsumei Dangerous Jiisan - Naki no 1kai Zettai Fukujuu Violence Kouchou - Wagahai ga 1ban Erainjai!! (Japan)
Zettaizetsumei Dangerous Jiisan - Shijou Saikyou no Dogeza (Japan)
Zettaizetsumei Dangerous Jiisan 3 - Hateshinaki Mamonogatari (Japan)
Zettaizetsumei Dangerous Jiisan Tsuu - Ikari no Oshioki Blues (Japan)
Zidane - Football Generation 2002
Zoey 101
Zoids - Legacy
Zoids Saga (Japan)
Zoids Saga Fuzors (Japan)
Zoids Saga II (Japan)
Zoku Bokura no Taiyou - Taiyou Shounen Django (Japan)
Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars
Zoo Cube
ZooCube (Japan)

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Top 25 GBA ROMs

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Duel Academy
Dragon Ball Z - Buu's Fury
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories


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