ROMs » Nintendo Gamecube » Adventure

Featured Games:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones

Medabots Infinity (v1.01)

Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (v1.01)

Bomberman Generation


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Sorted By Highest Rated

Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King 4.93
Avatar - The Last Airbender 4.81
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 4.84
Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem 4.82
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 4.86
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 4.84
Second Sight 4.87
Carmen Sandiego - The Secret of the Stolen Drums 4.88
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (v1.01) 4.85
Bomberman Generation 4.79
Vexx 4.85
Hobbit, The - The Prelude to the Lord of the Rings 4.81
Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones 4.76
Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age (Disc 1) 4.81
Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights 4.79
Medabots Infinity (v1.01) 4.75
Hello Kitty - Roller Rescue 4.78
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 4.77
Shrek 2 4.74
Darkened Skye 4.75
Nicktoons Unite! 4.71
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy 4.68
King Arthur 4.67
Prince of Persia - Warrior Within 4.61
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 4.60
Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 4.60
Scorpion King, The - Rise of the Akkadian 4.57
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers 4.53
Casper - Spirit Dimensions 4.38
Spirits & Spells 4.33
Aquaman - Battle for Atlantis 4.15
Dora the Explorer - Journey to the Purple Planet 4.10
Polar Express, The 4.00
Reign of Fire 3.80

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Top Nintendo Gamecube Emulator

» Dolphin (Windows)
» Dolwin (Windows)
» GCEmu (Windows)
» WhineCube (Windows)

» Dolphin (Mac)

Top 25 Nintendo Gamecube ROMs

Super Smash Bros. Melee (v1.02)
Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 2
Shonen Jump's One Piece - Grand Adventure


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