Kingdom Hearts - Re-Chain of Memories |     4.88 |
Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance II |     4.96 |
Xenosaga Episode I - Der Wille zur Macht |     4.93 |
Star Ocean - Till the End of Time (Disc 1) |     4.94 |
Kingdom Hearts (Europe) |     4.94 |
Grandia III (Disc 1) |     4.95 |
Final Fantasy X (Europe, Australia) |     4.92 |
Final Fantasy XI - Wings of the Goddess |     4.87 |
Digimon Savers - Another Mission (Japan) |     4.93 |
Odin Sphere |     4.92 |
MS Saga - A New Dawn |     4.99 |
Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel |     4.90 |
Grandia II |     4.97 |
Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.93 |
Mana Khemia - Alchemists of Al-Revis |     4.98 |
Shadow Hearts - From the New World |     4.98 |
Final Fantasy X (Japan) |     4.86 |
Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga |     4.94 |
Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner 2 - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon |     4.94 |
Drakengard |     4.92 |
Kingdom Hearts II (Spain) |     4.93 |
Kingdom Hearts (Italy) |     4.96 |
Musashi - Samurai Legend |     4.92 |
Romancing SaGa |     4.93 |
Mana Khemia 2 - Fall of Alchemy |     4.93 |
Dragon Quest - The Journey of the Cursed King (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.86 |
FlatOut (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It) |     4.97 |
Atelier Iris 3 - Grand Phantasm (En,Ja) |     4.96 |
Fullmetal Alchemist 2 - Curse of the Crimson Elixir |     4.96 |
Xenosaga Episode III - Also sprach Zarathustra (Disc 1) |     4.96 |
Jade Cocoon 2 |     4.94 |
Evergrace |     4.99 |
Shining Force EXA |     4.85 |
Gauntlet - Seven Sorrows |     4.89 |
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance 2 (Europe) |     4.95 |
Devil Kings (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.87 |
Champions - Return to Arms (v1.01) |     4.99 |
Colosseum - Road to Freedom (Europe) |     4.98 |
Grandia Xtreme |     4.91 |
Gauntlet - Seven Sorrows (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     5.00 |
Phantasy Star Universe |     4.93 |
Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel (Europe) (En,Es,It) |     4.98 |
Metal Saga |     4.92 |
Monster Lab |     4.91 |
Arc - Twilight of the Spirits (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     5.00 |
Inuyasha - The Secret of The Cursed Mask |     4.80 |
Final Fantasy X (Italy) |     4.91 |
Wild Arms - Alter Code - F (Bonus) |     4.90 |
Garakuta Meisaku Gekijou - Rakugaki Oukoku (Japan) |     5.00 |
Atelier Iris - Eternal Mana |     4.88 |
Breath of Fire - Dragon Quarter (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.93 |
Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Boese (Disc 1) |     4.96 |
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance (Europe) (En,It) |     4.91 |
Dark Chronicle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.96 |
Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny (Europe) (En,Ja) |     5.00 |
Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix (Japan) |     4.88 |
Grandia Xtreme (Japan) |     5.00 |
Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Boese (Disc 2) |     4.95 |
Atelier Iris 3 - Grand Phantasm (Europe) (En,Ja) |     4.98 |
Final Fantasy XI - Arutana no Shinpei (Japan) |     5.00 |
Grandia III (Disc 2) |     4.93 |
Kingdom Hearts II (Germany) |     4.96 |
Champions - Return to Arms (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) |     4.86 |
Final Fantasy XI - Vana'diel Collection (Japan) |     5.00 |
Baroque (Europe) |     5.00 |
Final Fantasy X-2 (Spain) |     4.93 |
EverQuest - Online Adventures (Europe) |     5.00 |
Dot Hack Kansen Kakudai Vol. 1 (Japan) |     5.00 |
Kidou Shinsengumi - Moeyo Ken (Japan) |     5.00 |
Final Fantasy XII (Italy) |     4.87 |
Gensou Suikoden III (Japan) |     4.90 |
Shining Tears |     4.93 |
Dragon Quest - Shounen Yangus to Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan) |     4.89 |
Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny (En,Ja) |     4.93 |
Dual Hearts |     4.96 |
Forever Kingdom |     4.96 |
Wild Arms 4 |     4.83 |
Grandia II (Europe) |     4.93 |
Atelier Iris - Eternal Mana (Europe) (En,Ja) |     4.96 |
Final Fantasy XI Online - Vana'diel Collection 2008 |     4.96 |
Dot Hack Part 1 - Infection (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.90 |
Dark Cloud (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.87 |
Drakengard 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De) |     4.96 |
Herr der Ringe, Der - Die zwei Tuerme (Germany) |     4.95 |
Drakengard (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.92 |
Arc the Lad - End of Darkness |     4.92 |
Summoner 2 |     4.91 |
Final Fantasy X-2 (Europe, Australia) |     4.90 |
Final Fantasy XI - Chains of Promathia |     4.90 |
Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance II (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De) |     4.93 |
Final Fantasy X (France) |     4.87 |
Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission (Japan) |     4.82 |
King's Field IV |     4.88 |
Gegege no Kitarou - Ibun Youkai Kitan (Japan) |     4.94 |
Dragon Quest VIII Premium Disc (Japan) |     4.89 |
Drakengard 2 |     4.84 |
Bard's Tale, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) |     4.92 |
Evergrace (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.92 |
Tales of Legendia |     4.76 |
Dot Hack Part 4 - Quarantine (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.91 |
Kingdom Hearts (France) |     4.83 |
Ar tonelico - Melody of Elemia (Europe) (En,Ja) |     4.89 |
Dot Hack G.U. Vol. 3 - Redemption |     4.82 |
Dark Angel - Vampire Apocalypse |     4.88 |
Kingdom Hearts II (France) |     4.88 |
Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance II (Europe) (En,Es,It) |     4.85 |
Zill O'll Infinite (Japan) |     4.77 |
Final Fantasy X (Germany) |     4.77 |
Final Fantasy XI - Online |     4.88 |
Xenosaga Episode III - Also sprach Zarathustra (Disc 2) |     4.86 |
Champions of Norrath (Europe) (En,Fr,De) |     4.82 |
Bard's Tale, The |     4.87 |
Ar tonelico II - Melody of Metafalica |     4.83 |
Virtua Quest (v1.00) |     4.85 |
Baroque |     4.87 |
Eternal Ring (Europe) |     4.90 |
Ephemeral Fantasia (Europe) (En,Fr,De) |     4.90 |
Arc the Lad - Twilight of the Spirits |     4.81 |
Legend of Alon Dar, The |     4.89 |
Dark Cloud (Demo) |     4.80 |
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (Japan) |     4.85 |
Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga 2 |     4.80 |
Ephemeral Fantasia |     4.86 |
Final Fantasy X-2 (Germany) |     4.86 |
Eternal Ring |     4.82 |
Jade Cocoon 2[H+2.0_Buzbee][JC2 Complete Edition V2 - DarkForstPatch] |     4.82 |
Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.77 |
Inuyasha - Juso no Kamen (Japan) |     4.81 |
Wizadry - Tale of the Forsaken |     4.80 |
Dragon Quest Characters - Torneko no Daibouken 3 Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan) |     4.79 |
Ar tonelico II - Melody of Metafalica (Europe) (En,Ja) |     4.83 |
EverQuest - Online Adventures - Frontiers |     4.83 |
Kingdom Hearts (Germany) |     4.78 |
Phantasy Star Universe - Ambition of the Illuminus (Europe) |     4.75 |
Magna Carta - Tears of Blood |     4.77 |
Bard's Tale, The (Australia) |     4.78 |
3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei - Densetsu no Kyoudan ni Tate! Kanzenban (Japan) |     4.77 |
Tales of Destiny 2 (Japan) |     4.72 |
Final Fantasy XI Online - Treasures of Aht Urhgan |     4.78 |
Ark the Lad - Jeongryeongui Hwanghon (Korea) |     4.75 |
Tales of Destiny 2 - Mega Hits Edition (Japan) |     4.71 |
Eternal Ring (Japan) |     4.73 |
Final Fantasy X-2 (Japan) |     4.69 |
Kingdom Hearts - Re-Chain of Memories (Japan) |     4.65 |
Jade Cocoon 2 (Europe) |     4.67 |
Dark Cloud 2 (Demo) |     4.65 |
Blazing Souls (Japan) |     4.70 |
Heroes of Might and Magic - Quest for the DragonBone Staff |     4.65 |
Graffiti Kingdom |     4.64 |
Final Fantasy X-2 (France) |     4.64 |
Falling Stars |     4.59 |
Atelier Marie + Elie - Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1 & 2 (Japan) |     4.60 |
King's Field IV (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) |     4.59 |
Final Fantasy X-2 (Italy) |     4.58 |
Eternal Quest (Europe) |     4.58 |
Jade Cocoon 2[H+2.0_Buzbee][JC2 Complete Edition V2 - NoDarkForstPatch] |     4.36 |