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Call of Duty - Roads to Victory (Europe)

Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker

Medal of Honor - Heroes 2

Metal Slug Anthology

Army of Two - The 40th Day


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Sorted By Highest Rated

Call of Duty - Roads to Victory 4.90
Medal of Honor - Heroes 2 4.90
Call of Duty - Roads to Victory (Europe) 4.88
Metal Slug XX 4.92
Metal Slug Anthology 4.91
Medal of Honor - Heroes 4.91
Metal Slug Anthology (Europe) 4.89
Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker 4.93
Army of Two - The 40th Day 4.89
3rd Birthday, The 4.94
Resistance - Retribution (Europe) 4.90
SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 4.92
Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable (Japan) 4.92
Justice League Heroes 4.92
Star Wars - Battlefront II 4.93
Kidou Senshi Gundam - Gundam vs. Gundam NEXT PLUS (Japan) 4.91
Call of Duty - Roads to Victory (Germany) 4.86
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon - Predator 4.94
Resistance - Retribution 4.89
Brothers in Arms - D-Day 4.94
SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo 2 4.91
Miami Vice - The Game 4.93
Medal of Honor - Heroes (Spain) 4.89
Gun Showdown 4.92
007 - Russia Yori Ai o Komete (Japan) 4.89
SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 (Europe) 4.92
Killzone - Liberation (Europe) 4.89
Medal of Honor - Heroes (Europe) 4.91
SWAT - Target Liberty 4.94
Brothers in Arms - D-Day (Europe) 4.92
Medal of Honor - Heroes 2 (Europe) 4.92
Dead to Rights - Reckoning (Europe) 4.92
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter 2 4.91
Miami Vice - The Game (Europe) 4.92
From Russia with Love - 007 4.87
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Essentials (Europe) 4.94
Metal Slug Complete (Japan) 4.88
Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex 4.87
Syphon Filter - Logan's Shadow 4.93
Chili Con Carnage 4.91
Star Wars - Battlefront II (Europe) 4.95
Army of Two - The 40th Day (Europe) 4.92
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Vegas 4.93
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon - Predator (Europe) 4.93
Star Wars Battlefront - Elite Squadron 4.93
Phantasy Star Portable 2 4.95
SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Tactical Strike 4.94
Cabela's African Safari 4.94
Infected 4.97
Platypus 4.91
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