Featured Games:

Final Fantasy IX (Disc 1) (v1.1)

Final Fantasy VII (Disc 2)

Final Fantasy VII (Disc 1)

Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy VII (Disc 3)


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Sorted By Highest Rated

Final Fantasy VII (Disc 1) 4.93
Final Fantasy VII (Disc 2) 4.98
Digimon World 4.90
Digimon World 3 4.89
Final Fantasy VII (Disc 3) 4.99
Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 1) 4.87
Suikoden II 4.89
Legend of Dragoon, The (Disc 1) 4.90
Final Fantasy Tactics 4.86
Digimon World 2 4.91
Final Fantasy IX (Disc 1) (v1.1) 4.89
Legend of Legaia 4.77
Chrono Cross (Disc 1) 4.89
Vagrant Story 4.94
Front Mission 3 4.88
Breath of Fire IV 4.95
Breath of Fire III (v1.1) 4.96
Legend of Mana 4.92
Suikoden (v1.1) 4.91
Diablo 4.87
Parasite Eve (Disc 1) 4.88
Parasite Eve II (Disc 1) 4.89
Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 2) 4.93
Final Fantasy VII (Europe) (Disc 1) 4.99
Harvest Moon - Back to Nature (Trade Demo) 4.95
Legend of Dragoon, The (Disc 2) 4.94
Xenogears (Disc 1) 4.74
Final Fantasy IX (Disc 1) (v1.0) 4.86
Final Fantasy IX (Disc 2) (v1.1) 4.93
Valkyrie Profile (Disc 1) 4.85
Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 3) 4.92
Chrono Cross (Disc 2) 4.93
Diablo (Europe) 4.89
Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 4) 4.93
Parasite Eve II (Disc 2) 4.92
Parasite Eve (Disc 2) 4.92
Final Fantasy IX (Disc 3) (v1.1) 4.95
Legend of Dragoon, The (Disc 3) 4.93
Vagrant Story (Japan) 4.98
Final Fantasy VII (Spain) (Disc 1) 4.94
Legend of Dragoon, The (Disc 4) 4.93
Final Fantasy IX (Disc 4) (v1.1) 4.92
Tactics Ogre 4.89
Final Fantasy VII (Europe) (Disc 2) 5.00
Final Fantasy Chronicles - Chrono Trigger (v1.1) 4.89
Grandia (Disc 1) 4.92
Wild Arms 4.87
Final Fantasy VII (Germany) (Disc 3) 5.00
Star Ocean - The Second Story (Disc 1) 4.87
Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy VI (v1.0) 4.96
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